A flower’s plea in the garden of grace
I am delicate like a flower, sweet as honey, and beautiful as the sun. I possess many qualities that captivate those around me. While I am still learning and growing, please be patient with me.
I am the flower that catches your gaze. If you wish to hold me, replant me where I remain in the sun’s (Jesus’) view, shining brightly under His grace. Please don’t uproot me, as many others have tried to do. If you do, my growth will deteriorate and stagnate. Leave me for someone who will nurture me. While I am in the garden of grace, I will patiently wait for my future gardener to love and care for me forever.
“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalms 27:14
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I wrote this metaphoric passage to encourage those in their waiting season. Continue healing and growing, no matter what. You are seen and loved. 🤍🌷
Follow for more: @its_just.the.beginning (I love you but Jesus loves you more 🤍🌷)